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Imaginer, redessiner, réinventer des modèles de penser, de vivre et de faire ensemble
Immaginare, ridisegnare, reinventare modelli di pensare, vivere e fare insieme
Imagine, redesign, reinvent models and ways of thinking, living and doing together
Finalised projects:
“Sostenuto” (INTERREG MED Programme 2009-2012) - Thinking culture as a factor of economic and social innovation, with the objective of reinforcing the cultural capacity of innovation within the Mediterranean area and the development of new social and economic models (LET System, cluster, incubators etc).
“Cultural Discoveries Pathways” (Grundtvig Programme, 2011-2013) in collaboration with partners from France, Belgium, Italy, the UK and Croatia - journey based on art, culture, social integration. Objective: compare working methods, share ideas and professional best practices, analyse and evaluate the impact on the audience and on workers un the various countries of the project.
“T.E.R.R.A: Towards the valorisation of Resilience thanks to rural activities (Grundtvig Programme, 2013-2015) : this project is based on the sharing of informal learning practices, to improve the ability of rural population to become transformation actors in their area. The project sets up an interaction process between students and workers from seven cultural organisations and their respective communities.
Others activities :
“Volta la Carta” : craftsmen, farmers, citizens, towards the future of their area - Forum, 2 days, May 2011.
2 short films on art and public spaces in urban resilience / and social transformation, in 2014 and 2015..
“Ready to Change”, workshops, Rome, May 2015.
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Workshop "Résilience" Maggio 2015 - Foto
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Workshop "Réslience" Nov 2014 Cetona
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Workshop "Résilience" Maggio 2015 Rome
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